Friday, March 18, 2005

Nocturnal Tennis

In the search for more evening fun, Jaime and I have discovered the joy of Nocturnal Tennis! I'm really not sure if this is an original idea, but it involves playing tennis in the dark! Yes that's right... Perhaps it was our desire to improve our night vision skills, or maybe it was to try to severely injure one another... or maybe it was we were too dang cheap to dig into our pockets and pull out another quarter. Who knows? Who cares? This is the way the sport was meant to be played!

The funny thing is, we actually played quite good! We had a number of volleys that usually ended in the traditional tennis grunting sound, but without the usual "whack" of a ball hitting racket. The winning shot involved me hitting the ball right at Jaime. Luckily she saw the ball when it was about 3 feet away and narrowly escaped a black eye (she maneuvered the racket in front of her face.) Phew!

Enjoy the pics. They really don't do the darkness justice... even the camera felt it was too dark and left the shutter open about 20 seconds.


Blogger Brandon said...

WOW! Sounds like this sport could catch on!! If the ball glew in the dark that would make it fun!

Oh yeah,

Ya'll are crazy...

I'll be expecting my waffles soon!

Brandon P.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Jason Kichline said...

Thanks, yes a glow in the dark ball would be superb for this.

10:35 PM  

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